Wednesday, March 12, 2008

2nd post in 20 minutes. It's official. I'm addicted.

I don't have a lot of time to write a blog tonight. I am going to go work on my book: ON THE TOWN in a minute. It will publish Spring 2010. I'm very excited about it being published.

It's been a big week.

I am to get a prototype on my invention this week. (I KNOW. Sssshhhh....we can't talk about it until next year.)

Friday is my last day at Autumn Leaves. Today, I had scrap emergency number five...I mean, I had to literally dig a number five of some sort out of the big conference room for a scrap emergency...and I realized, at my new job, there won't be a war room full of excellent goodies for such important scrap emergencies. I won't be able to find a sparkly gold number five in just the right type face at the drop of the hat at my new job. Today, it struck me like a ton of bricks that I am going to miss that. I am going to miss a lot of the people....ooh, I love all the lovely people I've made friends with over the last five years. Though I will still freelance for a couple of months until all of my work is turned still won't be the same as working at AL. Sigh. Luvs me some AL.

I start my new job as a tech editor at a major publisher on Monday, which is St. Patrick's Day. Ironically, that is also my five year anniversary at Autumn Leaves.

Well, all is well with Maddie and Dan and Gorbi and Tiny and I don't have much else to talk about...except that I'm so keyed up about all the stuff I have to do before I leave Autumn Leaves...and all the stuff I need to finish up on my book I'm writing...and all the cool things I'll learn at my new job...and if I will sell a billion widgets (euphemism for my invention), and I'll be able to move that Victorian House I've always coveted over in the West Adams district near the Equestrian Center and LIVE in it...oops...I'm getting ahead of myself....

Well - that's all for tonight....let's see...I'll leave you with a future picture that I'll possibly use in my you go....(see above), I'll leave you with that thought...mmm...donuts...


This is my new blog. I hope you like it!